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I've started a blog on Blogger as well, because I think it's a really good site for blogs (obviously). But I really want to continue blogging on here too, because I prefer the way you can design your website on Weebly. But the only problem is, it's really hard for people to find my website on here, and I've thought about adding it to StumbleUpon, but I think I need more content before that. Also, I don't want to be double blogging, because for the about 3 viewers I have it's going to get annoying, but I don't think I have loads of stuff to catch up on in the past 13 years of my life that I can blog 2 different things every day. Lastly, Blogger tells me how many views I have, so I don't feel like I'm blogging into space like I do on here.
Aghhhhh the world of Blogging is harder than it seems.

Here is my blog if you want to see it-


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    I'm Eleanor, I love art, design and fashion. Check out my blog ^_^.


    January 2014
    December 2013

